Turkey can’t Participate in NK Conflict Settlement Process: Skakov

“Russia won’t change its position in NK conflict as a result of Russia-Turkey rapprochement,” A.Skakov, Russian political scientist, expert on the South Caucasus issues, told 168.am reflecting to RF MFA official representative Maria Zakharova’s observations on the possibility of Turkey’s assistance in NK conflict peaceful settlement process.
M.Zakharova stated that any country, which can provide positive assistance to NK conflict peaceful settlement process, should attempt to do that, including Turkey. However, she also stressed positive assistance. This was widely discussed in Armenian and Azerbaijani mass media, after which Zakharova commented, that she was misunderstood. However, Russian media outlets reproduced her speech the same way.
Alexander Skakov stated, that this statement, to all probabilities, shouldn’t have attached so much attention. In his words, Russia doesn’t definitely strive to make Turkey a part of the settlement. Zakharova’s remarks, according to the analyst, should be perceived within Russia-Turkey rapprochement process, i.e. to the question on the possibility of Turkey’s participation directed to her, Russian official attempted not to deny, that such positive mediation is possible, as Russia-Turkey settlement process has been launched and at the moment any statement may prevent that process.
“Naturally, Minsk group is busy with NK conflict settlement. Leaving aside productivity of the group, it should be stressed that only that group is recognized to deal with that issue, and participation of Turkey in the negotiation or settlement process is impossible due to this format. Especially in case of Turkey, Armenia will express against and won’t accept any assistance from Turkey, which throughout April war days was appearing with statements encouraging Azerbaijan,” Skakov said.
According to the latter, Russia-Turkey rapprochement process is on a correct direction. According to him, soon talks and negotiations on high level will be resumed around formerly unaccomplished programs, in particular, gas programs. As it’s known, according to the political scientist, Russia intends to eliminate Ukraine from its gas programs, as a result of which it seeks for ways of gas supply.
“One of those directions may be Turkey, although other experts consider this variant less probable. In any case, Russia and Turkey have many interests at the moment, not only economic, but also political, in particular, they appeared in the same camp with the West, thus, they need more active relations.
Let me remind, that according to the hints of the newly appointed Turkish PM Turkey will change its policy in Syria, this has become a rather serious message for Russia, besides the message of the Turkish president to Russia,” Skakov said. The latter doesn’t share the opinion, that Armenian positions in NK conflict will suffer from this cooperation. In his assessments, Russia isn’t going to change its policy on the conflict zone, and Turkey isn’t interested to mediate in that conflict.
By Araks Martirosyan