Proposal of the Authorities to “Sasna Tsrer” Group Members is a Prerequisite for Specific, Positive and Welcoming Culture

If members of “Sasna Tsrer” group lay down the arms and surrender, they’ll avoid criminal responsibility and will stay in freedom. This opinion was expressed by Gevorg Danielyan, Chairman of the Center for Constitutional Law, told 168.am, commenting on the NSS official call to the militants in the territory of police patrol regiment.
According to him, articles, by which accusation is brought, provides the opportunity to free from the responsibility,
“They are interrelated articles, by all the three Articles—218, 219 and 235 there is a reservation, pursuant which if a person suspends his criminal activities, he is free from the responsibility, if there is no crime in his activities prior to that, and they can’t be, as they are simultaneously suspended. They have already been suspended by Article 218 (hostage-taking), and presently, if they suspend by other articles as well, they’ll avoid responsibility. That position is enshrined in the official statement of the authorities as well. This is a prerequisite for specific, positive, welcoming culture, which is difficult to meet in international practice, when the initiative is more given to force methods or blind-eyed and speedy decisions, which, basically are strictly situational and don’t guarantee solution to the issue. This approach is acceptable both for state interests and for the mentioned persons.”
According to G.Danielyan, if everything ends this way, logic of developments won’t violate as well.
“This seems to contain continuation as well, after suspension the issue of criminal responsibility is being eliminated, however, negotiations don’t end as a result, but continue on other platform. Not around the assessment of the episodes of criminality, but negotiations around political developments may be definitely launched. In this case it’s useless having concerns.”
By Gayane Khachatryan