In My Observation Reporters were Targeted: “A1+” Reporter Robert Ananyan Provides Details from Yesterday’s Clashes

“A1+” Reporter Robert Ananyan, who suffered injuries on feet and hand overnight in Sari Tagh is in Yerevan’s St. Grigor Lusavorich hospital at the moment. The reporter can’t move. Showing his feet injuries, our colleague said, “I got these injuries as a result of an explosion.”
He provided details form yesterday’s incident,
“The reporters were warned to move to a territory, where explosions have been recorded. In my observation, reporters were targeted. They were more aggressive towards the representatives of media outlets, which had cameras an voice recorders, and when they were noticing camera lights, they seemed to shoot, throw explosives in that direction. I failed to count how many explosions have been recorded above us. When one of Sari Tagh inhabitants approached us and cleansed my wounds, we were working live then. The citizen offered to transport us to the hospital, we rejoiced thinking soon we’ll be in the hospital. But on our way the Police stopped us, although we were with the staff of A1+,and showed our certificates, they simply took us out applying batons. And we stayed alone in the street, until editor-in-chief of 1in.am Arman Babajanyan came to take his reporters. Together in the streets of Sari Tagh we found an ambulance car, that time doctors provided medical assistance.”
Our colleague stated he can’t stand long on his feet, “The doctor said there is nothing dangerous, in a short period I can normally move and return to my work.”
By Razmik Martirosyan