Mother See Calls for Rejecting Conflict

High ranking clergy assembled in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiatsin find unacceptable any type of illegal step and action of violence, which can result in bloodshed and endanger the future of our statehood.
On July 30 an expanded format Monastic Council session took place headed by His Holiness Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II. Archbishops of Armenian dioceses were invited to the session. The assembled clergy issued a statement in regard to the situation in the capital.
The statement in particular reads: “The recent events in Yerevan have disrupted our peaceful lives. We deeply regret that the escalated situation led to new clashes yesterday evening, which resulted in dozens getting hurt, demonstrators, police officers and reporters. We find unacceptable any type of illegal step and action of violence, which can result in bloodshed and endanger the future of our statehood.”