These Days Statement were Heard from This Platform, Authors of which Obviously didn’t Understand what they Meant: Nikol Pashinyan

At the moment citizens are gathering on Freedom Square, however, there are no leaders on the platform. Among the crowd Paruyr Hayrikyan, Nikol Pahsinyan are observed. P.Hayrikyan told our correspondent, that he wouldn’t speak.
Nikol Pahinyan isn’t on the platform as well. He told reporters that the gathering is spontaneous and he came to the Freedom Square to be here.
He stated that they condemn any violence. In his words today’s statement by the National Security of Armenia (NSS) is “indiscreet,” and people don’t understand what’s really going on in the country.
Reflecting to yesterday’s clashes in Sari Tagh district and men in civilian clothes, who were beating the participants of the gathering, he said, “What were those people swallowing, who are they, are they really bodyguards of oligarchs? They should have already given answers to these questions…We have repeatedly stated that stretching the hand to crocodile’s mouth, and then saying it bit me, isn’t a reasonable decision.
Brute, illegal, criminal authorities have been established in Armenia, which may be compared with a crocodile. He have always set the issue, we condemn all the powers, which claim themselves as the opposition, take people to the crocodile’s mouth, and then say—it has bitten. It’s obvious for me, that statements have been heard recently from this platform, authors of which, obviously, didn’t understand what they were speaking. And if they understood what they said, and yet continued speaking, then it’s even a bigger problem.
We need to understand from where the reasons come. As what has happened was beneficial only to Serzh Sargsyan. He obtained guaranty, that in this fight ally between the society and the Police won’t be recorded. When we say open hand policy, i.e. without violence and opposition, should be pursued, they say to us—do you surrender? No, we don’t surrender, we say we won’t resist and won’t give a formal reason to use force.”
At the same time he stated, if in that case the Police detains the citizens for no reason, then it’ll free them in 3 hours and they’ll be back again. “And the tension, which was observed yesterday, is directly condemnable. How is it possible to invite thousands of people and announce—you know, are there good young men who’d like to take the responsibility? What’s this? Do they count that they’re dealing with people’s lives?” N.Pashinyan said, adding that he also considered directing people to Sari Tagh yesterday improper.
By Armine Vardanyan