
No matter, who the next president will be, Armenia will remain the partner of the USA: Richard Mills

“We want to continue our partnership and this year we’ll celebrate 25th anniversary of USA-Armenia diplomatic relations,” US Ambassador to Armenia Richard Mills said, reflecting to the results of the U.S. presidential elections.

Richard Mills stated that no matter how stormy was this year’s presidential campaign, the Americans are sure that the authorities will peacefully surrender on January 20, 2017. “Like Secretary Kerry said last week, currently we are in the 58th process for holding free and fair presidential elections. As the Secretary of State said, I totally agree with him, and if we compare this with other places of the world, it’s a really stunning result,” Ambassador Mills said.

According to the latter, democracy, as a governance system, sometimes may be complicated, sometimes it may come across with obstacles. However, in his words, it’s always a chance to provide a discourse with Americans, who have different opinions and positions. Mills believes that this is the glory of democracy.

Regarding Armenia-USA relations in the context of presidential elections, Mills stressed, that the USA highly assesses its relations with Armenia. “We want to continue our partnership and this year we’ll celebrate 25th anniversary of Armenia-USA diplomatic relations,” Mills said.

In his words, despite who’ll be elected as the president, 80% of its foreign policy will remain unchanged, and 20% will reflect preferences of the newly elected president. “No matter, who the next president will be, Armenia will remain the partner of the USA,” Ambassador Mills said.

By Araks Martirosyan


