
How much do average statistical family expenditures comprise in Armenia?

Average monthly consumption expenditures per one household in Armenia comprise AMD 148 thousand 616. According to data issued by RA National Statistical Service as of 2015 about one third of monthly nominal consumption expenditures of the families in Armenia—AMD 51.19 thousand, comprised purchased food, AMD 50.05 thousand—services, AMD 27.99 thousand—non-food production, AMD 11.77 thousand—not purchased food (e.g. crops of gardens), AMD 4900—cigarette, AMD 1847 thousand—public catering, and AMD 823—alcoholic beverages.

At the same time, average nominal consumption expenditures per capita comprised AMD 42 thousand 867. In 2015, as compared to 2014, the index has grown by 5.1%. Shares of service (by 10.7%), non-food products have considerably increased in expenditures.


