
I have a duty before my people: Gagik Tsarukyan

“Tsarukyan” alliance leader Gagik Tsarukyan is launching a campaign in Kotayk region. During the meeting with the population of Hrazdan he introduced their programs and repeated, although he hasn’t graduated from Harvard University, he can implement systemic changes in the country.

“My work is action. This is an issue of your child’s future, nothing is being changed, the system should be changed.

He said PAP gained many votes in 2012, than previously, but it wasn’t enough.

“I have a duty before my people. That duty isn’t support or philanthropy, but we should establish a dignified life. We are guilty, it’s our laws,” Tsarukyan said and invited his guests from Europe, USA, Austria, who came to Armenia to support Tsarukyan.

By Gayane Khachatryan


