Number of operations with a banking card on internet sharply grows in Armenia
In January 2017 operations in the territory of Armenia through payment cards issued by Armenia’s trade banks and foreign banks comprised 2 million 97.9 thousand operations, total of which amounted AMD 83.4 billion. Information was provided in Annual Bulletin of the Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) for January 2017.
What transactions have been implemented through payment cards per service means and how has their number changed compared with January of the previous year?
Structure per number of operations
Greater part of operations performed in January 2017—1 million 386.5 thousand (66.1% of total) are operations through ATMs.
358 201 operations have been performed on the internet (17.1% of total), and 353 243—through POS terminals and imprint (16.8% of total).
Structure per volume of operations
The leader regarding volume is ATM again. In January operations comprising AMD 60.4 billion have been performed, which comprises 72% of total. It should also be stated that its greater part is cash withdrawal through ATM—AMD 60 billion. And volume of cash input and non-cash transactions is little.
Operations amounting AMD 7.8 billion has been implemented through payment cards on internet, and through POS terminals—operations amounting AMD 15.8 billion (19% of total).
Average volume of one transaction
It’s becoming clear that transactions through POS terminals don’t differ in quantity—transactions through POS terminals are twice more.
This means that average value of one deal on the internet is less—it amounted AMD 21.7 thousand in January 2017.
Average volume of one transactions through POS terminals comprise AMD 44.7 thousand—AMD 43.6 thousand.
In January 2017 compared with January 2016 the number of operations through payment cards has grown regarding both quantity and volume.
Thus, number of transactions has grown by 273 thousand or 15% and volume—by about 7 thousand or 9.1%.
Regarding both quantity and volume transactions on the internet have grown the most (respectively by 60% and 88.4%).
Data processed by B4B PRO