
Which messages did Serzh Sargsyan send from Artsakh?

President Serzh Sargsyan’s recent speech in the Republic of Artsakh was very clear and contained messages addressed to both domestic and foreign audience, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Eduard Sharmazanov told reporters on March 29.

“The messages addressed to the foreign audience stated that in recent years we have been quite equipped, and already today our frontline is more firm. The Republic of Armenia is Artsakh’s security guarantor and Armenia will make all efforts to ensure Artsakh’s security. And if there is a need to apply Iskander for that purpose, we will do that,” Sharmazanov said.

The message directed to the domestic audience was that we need internal stability, that security remains one of the most priority issues for us.

“We need to understand that without stable security system we cannot speak about economic and social reforms,” Sharmazanov said, adding that the Republican Party of Armenia will do everything to establish stable security system of Armenia.

Sharmazanov also commented on the statement of Heritage party leader Raffi Hovhannisyan who said President Sargsyan in his speech in Artsakh stated that he is irreplaceable.

“First of all I want to say I don’t agree with this. The history shows who is irreplaceable who is not. But I can agree with Mr. Hovhannisyan on one thing that there are irreplaceable figures.

For instance, he is irreplaceable in one thing: Mr. Hovhannisyan is a champion on wasting the political capital. He is irreplaceable in this sense. It is difficult to find a political figure in Armenia who wasted so huge political capital in a short period of time,” Sharmazanov said.


