There was no influential political force in the arena that remained outside of the campaign: Serzh Sargsyan
he press service of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) has released the statement of the President of Armenia and the RPA on April 2 parliamentary elections.
“Dear compatriots, Yesterday was of key importance for our state. We held parliamentary elections which were of more value than all the parliamentary elections we have held since independence.
Today we made the largest step on the path to the implementation of the Constitutional reforms transforming Armenia’s governance system from semi-presidential to parliamentary. We witnessed unprecedented consolidation of political forces during these elections.
In fact, there was no influential political force in the arena that remained outside of the campaign. This evidences that as defined by the Constitution the shaping of our political system is on the right path.
The large presence of opposition in the parliament will give it an opportunity to have full access to the entire toolkit of control mechanisms which is the main guarantee of a balanced, accountable and effective governance system. I thank all the citizens of the Republic of Armenia for such an active participation in the elections. This is the best indicator of the inclusiveness and the understanding of the role of each citizen.
I am thankful for that. I am thankful to our political forces for the active and, in general, ethical political competition. This was a beautiful struggle the goal of which was to oppose and combine the positions on the development of our country. Mainly, it was a success. I am thankful to our opposition, public sector representatives and our international partners for coming to a political consensus and assistance in holding the elections with the most modern technologies.
We gave a new breath to the electoral processes leaving behind the considerable part of the grossest violations observed during pervious electoral processes. We made a huge step forward, a huge step towards the future. I am thankful to all the institutions involved in the organization of the elections – the Central Electoral Commission, members of the electoral commissions, all the individuals.
You did a great work. I am thankful to the law enforcement bodies for their prompt and operative response to the recorded frauds. I am convinced the legal procedures that have been initiated will have a natural continuation. Dear compatriots, We started April 2 in Yerablur, fumigating the tombs of our soldiers who fell during the 4-day war.
We ended April 2 by making a step forward in the implementation of our promise given upon their tombs. We promised them to establish a firmer, stronger and developing state and we will do that.We will do that all together.”