Let it be forgiven, but cowards aren’t worth being happy: Spartak Seyranyan

Spartak Seyranyan, former Minister of Education and Science, member of ARF-Dashnaktsutyun supreme body, wrote on his Facebook page,
“I’m reading posts about the newly elected president of France and his wife, who is elder by 25 years…It’s noteworthy to follow the attitude of those, who had the same intention and now have as well, however they didn’t have courage, they don’t have and won’t have. For this very reason they haven’t done it won’t ever do (I don’t only mean having an elder couple only). Instead, they will “bravely” mock, criticize, degrade, gossip, moreover, they’ll even accuse and condemn those living following their heart and aren’t at all concerned what others think of their life and happiness. This way the cowards attempt to justify and ground their weakness, lack of courage, that way they hide behind the very “social opinion” they’ve fabricated. I know many—both men and women of various ages (including authors of bourgeois “assessments”), that they don’t follow their happiness exclusively avoiding gossips and “authoritative” opinions. Let it be forgiven, but they aren’t worth to be happy. They should be “satisfied” by envying others’ happiness.”