CCTVs operate in all polling stations in Yerevan City Council election: Tigran Mukuchyan

Surveillance cameras are installed and operating in all 474 polling stations across Yerevan in the City Council election, central electoral commission’s chairman Tigran Mukuchyan told reporters on May 14.
“All polling stations opened at 08:00 as prescribed under the procedure. Cameras are installed in all polling stations and the technical devices are working properly”, he said. The CEC chairman reminded that two parties and one bloc are running for office in the election – the Republican Party, the Yerkir Tsirani party, and the Yelk bloc.
“Overall 308 city council candidates have been registered in the central electoral commission for taking part in the election, 98 of whom are women,” he said.
Mukuchyan noted 17 local organizations with more than 5 thousand observers and one international organization with 10 observers are monitoring the election.
32 local and three international media outlets have been accredited in the CEC for covering the election. Overall 476 reporters are covering the City Council election.