Iraqi forces launch operation to seize last Islamic State enclave in Mosul

Iraqi armed forces launched an operation on Saturday to capture the last Islamic State-held enclave in Mosul, according to a military statement, Reuters reports. The fall of the city would effectively mark the end of Iraqi half of the “caliphate” declared nearly three years ago by Islamic State leader Abu Bakr alBaghdadi, which also covers parts of Syria.
The Iraqi air force dropped leaflets on Friday urging residents in the enclave to flee, although humanitarian groups fear for the safety of civilians trying to escape. The enclave covers mainly the Old City center and three adjacent districts alongside the western bank of the Tigris river.
The U.S.-backed offensive on Mosul, now in its eighth month, has taken longer than planned as the militants are dug in among civilians, ghting back with booby traps, suicide cars and motor-bikes, snipers and mortar re. “The joint forces have began liberating the remaining districts,” said an Iraqi military statement.