Bundestag Involved in the Agenda of February 25 Issues Related to 100th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide

Germany’s Bundestag involved issues related to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the agenda of February 25, “Armenpress” reports citing “Radiolur”. Alliance ’90/The Greens made the mentioned suggestion. ”. Alliance ’90/The Greens will make a report, which presentation and discussion is scheduled for 45 minutes, on February 25, in the afternoon, at 15:45 (Berlin’s time).
Cem Özdemir, the co-chairman of German Bundestag’s Alliance ’90/The Greens party, mentioned that the issues are not just on commemoration ceremony but also on presentation and discussion of the draft resolution on the Genocide. The Greens’ statement is the first topic for reading. In the statement the events of 1915 are clearly drawn as Genocide.
“I hope that we, the opposition and the government, will manage to agree on the Genocide which was carried out 100 years ago. It will be a very important signal for the successors of those who carried out the Genocide during the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. It must be first noted that it was Genocide, second, Germany was complicit in it and third, we must do everything to reach the Armenian-Turkish borders to open,” Cem Özdemir said.
In response to the question how likely is the adoption of pro-Armenian resolution, Cem Özdemir recalled Germany’s top leadership already officially spoke on the Armenian Genocide. Now the country’s government again wants to “roll the issue under the carpet” because of political interests. “I think they will not succeed. I am convinced the reporters will share views and justifications of the Greens,” he said.