A Parliamentary Government Requires Cooperation with all Political Forces

In order to implement the Constitutional reforms, as well as the main aspects of the President’s speech of February 12, the ruling majority considers cooperation unavoidable. Speaking to journalists at the National Assembly in reference to the RPA-ARF agreement, head of the RPA faction Vahram Baghdasaryan said that the parliamentary system of governance also requires cooperation with other political forces. “And I think that all the bumblers who criticize this cooperation, with time should also start cooperating. And I ask you to remind those who start cooperating of what they have said and done before, “Armenpress” reports Baghdasaryan saying.
He urged the journalists to understand the word “cooperation” not only in the sense of positions and portfolios.
According to him, open cooperation will be implemented instead of the previous “backstage” cooperation. The MP clarified what he meant by saying “backstage” cooperation.”At the time when we were alone we needed let’s say, 100 votes, and we were able to get those votes. Doesn’t this mean that we partnered with other forces? In other words, we have received those votes as a result of cooperation, but that cooperation was not obvious, but now we are going towards open cooperation. We are well aware that during a parliamentary form of government we have to cooperate with the opposing political forces also. This cooperation does not mean portfolios, rather we have to cooperate with all political forces in different formats, and in this case with not only parliamentary but also extra-parliamentary political forces, ” Baghdas aryan said.
Asked whether the party is cooperating with Nikol Pashinyan, Vahram Baghdasaryan said:
“There are times when we cooperate with Nikol Pashinyan too. Why shouldn’t we negotiate with such a well-informed politican like Nikol Pashinyan? What’s wrong? We are people of the same country and the same Parliament. Same applies to Zaruhi Postanjyan. Who said that I have not engaged in any discussions with them. I have, and I will continue to. “Baghdasaryan said.
Asked why the party has decided to cooperate with the ARF and provide positions to them, leaving out the PAP, the RPA faction leader said. “Because as a result of discussions we reached an ideological approach that we have a common way to go. This is just the beginning, do not hurry, wait.We will implement the constitutional reforms and will cooperate with everybody in this framework.”, the faction leader said.