One of Ankara Suicide Bombers was a Woman

Another terror attack that occurred in Turkish capital Ankara was carried out by two suicide bombers. HaberTurk informs that one of the suicide bombers was a woman. Both terrorists have died.
Investigation has found out that the car used in the terror act had been stolen on January 10, 2016 from Şanlıurfa (Urfa). The car belonging to an elderly woman had been taken to Ankara on February 26.
The terrorist attack took place at a bus station located near the Prime minister’s office near Guven Park on March 13 in the city center of Ankara. Large numbers of people were gathered in that area during the explosion location. One bus was completely burned.
According to preliminary police reports, the incident was caused by an explosive device in a vehicle, which was parked between two buses.
34 people have died, 125 are hospitalized.