As mentioned in Financial Stability Report 2015 of Central Bank of Armenia the growth of foreign debt is a result of the relocation of the second trench of Eurobonds with a total value of USD 500 million in March 2015. Funds attracted from international organizations at the end of the year also had their impact on the growth of foreign debt.
As mentioned in Financial Stability Report 2015 of the Central Bank of Armenia, indices for banking system assets-to-GDP and loans-to-GDP have decreased by 6.0 and 5.5 percentage points and comprised accordingly 68.5% and 39.8%.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Business France will help Armenia prepare a new law on investments. Artsvik Minasyan, RA Minister of Economy, told about this on joint session of the National Assembly committees, and regarding the performance of the 2015 State Budget.
In the reporting period under continuous weak investment activity of economy private investments have decreased by 6.5%.
The main difference (change) is in accentuations. If formerly he was grounding by various arguments that Armenia’s membership to EEU is not only inexpedient, but we’d face issues, presently he sees settlement of our issues in in-depth integration into the same structure.
Average salary of Russian Government staff is USD 2307. In fact, salary of RF Government staff is higher than that of the legislative body. The elite of Russian state structure (regarding salary volume) is considered RF presidential staff, where average salary comprises USD 3085.
The authorities are not in an envious condition. On the one hand, they should raise trust of the society towards them, taking speedy and sometimes tough steps. On the other hand, they need time for serious changes.
The April developments showed that we need uneven growth. As we had a period of double digit growth, which not only created prerequisites for further development, just the contrary, it has weakened the economy structure, and made it more vulnerable.
Yesterday the session of a structure was held in Yerevan, for the membership to which the April war was developed, and due to which more than hundred Armenian soldiers died.
The Prime Ministers of the Union member states introduced their proposals and priorities, as well as discussed issues of deepening the existing partnership. Establishment of a common crude and oil market, cooperation with third countries, rapid adoption of the EEU Customs Code were the main issues of the agenda.