The Government continues cutting the number of state vehicles of different governmental agencies. 24 vehicles were taken from the Parliament and signed to the State Property Management Department.
Milos Zeman was also introduced the history of the “Barrel of Peace” which was established in 2001 in honor of the visit of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs. It is called peace, since it will be opened only when the Karabakh conflict will be resolved.
Gagik Beglaryan, Minister of Transport and Communication, informed that agreements have been signed, however, we should be able to provide transit from the West to the Black Sea, he stated that this month Iranian specialists will arrive on occasion of the railway, technical survey is ready, however, funds are necessary for its construction.
“2.7% price reduction has been recorded, the dynamics shows that throughout summer months we’ll also record price reduction, and by the end of ongoing year 0% price growth will be recorded,” Vache Gabrielyan, Deputy PM, Minister of International Economic Integration and Reforms.
Laura Bailey, World Bank Country Manager in Armenia, replying to the question said that she believes that they should work with everyone in the room, in the hall, with communities, which they represent. And regarding the role of mining in Armenia’s future, she thinks it’s a decision to be made by Armenian people and the Government, however, they’d like to support, provide as much proof as possible, introduce international experience while making that decision.
Impressive growth was provided on account of “culture, entertainment and recreation” subfield, which has grown for about 50%. It’s mainly recorded on account of activation of casinos.
Armenia’s trade turnover with the European Union as of the beginning of this year has decreased by 1%,comprising 24.4% of total trade turnover. This is mainly the result of decrease of trade volumes with Germany.
Was there any other variant to satisfy the society again within the framework of law? Yes. The only variant was in-depth survey i.e. going back by 10-15 years and implement detailed study of the dusty road of monopolies: how they generated, from where they acquired initial capital, who they bribed, who they terrified, with whom they came to a collusive agreement, where they cheated and etc. In short, checking all the suspicions “hanging in the air.”
“The ostrich policy by our field of transport is impermissible. We should initiate it for ourselves and the transporting enterprises should have incomes and pay taxes. Why should products come from China and Georgia or Turkey may earn money for that?”
Throughout January-April 2016 entrance of VAT comprising AMD 116.7 billion to the state budget was recorded. It less by 7.7% from the indicator of the same period of the previous year.