Similar to the soviet times when the officials would swear in front of the soviet flag, now as well the Armenian officials seemingly swear to speak only about the progress and development of the sectors they lead.
European integration was one of the priorities of our foreign policy. The government stated that it would sign the EU association pact. This event was held in parallel with the statement of the Republican faction chair Galust Sahakyan’s statement.
In the classic Diaspora, the community is closed connected and united with the church. The other structure is the ARF, which is not preferable in this case. Here the challenge is how to modernize the church and make it more participatory. Armenia has over 900 communities, out of which 400-500 are major ones. In western states we have about the same number of churches.
Our fatherland is not well known in the world. In terms of investments, however, the most attractive sectors are agriculture, mines and energy. But for that we need new capitals and newer technologies. And in our opinion it is just starting to develop in Armenia.
We still have that project in mind but currently we are focusing all our efforts on large projects such as the free trade zone and the international Yerevan Show. However, there are some improvements in that direction. AJA, a foundation recently registered in Switzerland, is researching the Armenian heritage in jewelry and they have collected a lot of documents and facts about the important positions and masterpieces of Armenian jewelers.
Syrian crisis is the main topic discussed internationally. We have asked representatives of main political powers of Armenia about their opinion on the crisis in Syria.
We have information that the British Jacobs company completed its environmental audit in Nairit and the conclusion was submitted to the government.
Investments, economic growth, prosperity… Do you know what’s the main condition for the occurrence of these three things – property right; more accurately, the right of the immunity of property right.
Quite recently I have noticed a very interesting thing on the media: environment activists have organized an auction of honey and berries
No. Russia’s response depends on the content of the agreement to be signed. If there are provisions in the association agreement that would be against Russia’s interests or the provisions of our treaty with Russia, then we will get an adequate response from Russia. From this point of view it is strange that the content of the draft agreement is not published.