The Cannes lm festival kicks off its 70th birthday edition on Wednesday with Alisters including Nicole Kidman, Clint Eastwood and Will Smith jetting in for the 12-day movie marathon, France 24 reported.
“I hope the Turkish government will change its mind in the coming days. Otherwise, the German federal parliament will certainly not leave soldiers in Turkey.”
“I think it’d be a fascinating job, it’s a challenging job, and you need someone really determined and focused, a great communicator in there with deep knowledge to be able to handle that position.”
According to witnesses, the brawl erupted when the Turkish president’s security detail attacked protesters carrying the Ȭag of the Kurdish PYD party outside the residence. CNN reported 9 people have been injured in the brawl outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence in Washington.
“As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety, Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism,” he tweeted.
The breaches include tracking users across websites other than without their knowledge, and compiling a massive database of personal information in order to target advertising.
“The screening of the ‘The Promise’ movie will be held in the Sun cinema on May 19, at 18:00,” Armenia’s Ambassador to Latvia Tigran Mkrtchyan said on Facebook.
“According to the information clarified by Armenia’s Embassy in Egypt, there are no Armenian citizens in Yemen,” he writes.
Sigmar Gabriel said if this decision remains as final, then they will think about removing the German troops from Turkey. He expressed hope Turkey will change its stance and will allow the lawmakers to visit the air base. Currently 260 German soldiers are stationed in the Incirclik air base within the frames of fight against the “Islamic State” terrorist group.
“We’re launching Onward Together to encourage people to get involved, organize, and even run for office,” Clinton said on Twitter.