One clear way to use the order against the Russian suspects would be to declare the electoral systems part of the “critical infrastructure” of the United States. Or the order could be amended to clearly apply to the new threat — interfering in elections.
“At the same time, the issue isn’t the Armenian representative, but recently serious issues have emerged between Moscow and Minsk. Those issues relate to the crisis in Ukraine, then Belarus intends to raffle national elements, authorities of Belarus have arrested Russian bloggers, thus, restricting their activity.”
The Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) has no alternative, it will come into force despite Kyrgyzstan’s objections, Russian President’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, RIA Novosti reports.
The recorder, one of several reported to be on board, contains information which could help investigators identify the cause of the crash.
“The world was gloomy before I won – there was no hope,” he said on Twitter, using a phrase (“no hope”) that alluded to both Mr. Obama’s signature slogan and an interview Mrs. Obama gave Oprah Winfrey about how there’s “no hope.”
“Iran is a very crucial partner and neighbor in many dimensions—trade, transport, energy, geopolitics. I read the statement by Rouhani in Yerevan as a standard diplomatic formulation, in other context— Netanyahu’s visit to Baku.”
A Russian plane headed to an air base in Syria with 93 people aboard, including members of a well-known military choir, crashed into the Black Sea on Sunday minutes after taking off from the resort city of Sochi, Russia’s Defense Ministry said.
There can be no doubt anymore about one more United Nations failure. The old Security Council structure, in the last decades, had prevented effective solutions for humanitarian tragedies, as it occurred in Rwanda, Bosnia, Congo and, now, in Aleppo.
Upon the investigation hypothesis, the Colonel has relation with fraud linked to purchase of food for 102nd military base in Gyumri. According to the media outlet the loss comprises 470 million rubles.
“If the U.S. eases sanctions, it won’t be possible to achieve a consensus among EU member states to keep their sanctions regime in place as currently formulated,” said Charles Movit, an economist at IHS Markit in Washington.