“I can say that 24-hour news cycle forms an insensitive audience, because that news becomes common. When you hear about 1 million refugees, it is just a number; it is more effective when a little boy is found dead washed ashore. In this case people find time to focus on this issue, and then they realize that the UN has not done enough for the refugee crisis. The way we respond to the refugee crisis is horrible”, Clooney said.
“We see that a long struggle is underway to reach the point that everything will be named accordingly. We see that steps are being conducted to call the Armenian massacres as genocide, however, they are being done very slowly, this struggle continues longer than it should be”, “Armenpress” reports, Clooney says.
The illustrated book has been published owing to the support of the RA Ministry of Culture, the State Committee coordinating the commemoration events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and VivaCell-MTS.