
MFA spokesman points out Ambassador Bülbüloğlu’s misfortune

MFA spokesman Tigran Balayan commented to REGNUM on Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia Polad Bülbüloğlu’s interview to “Moskovski Komsomolec”.

Balayan said it’s a misfortune that the songwriter Bülbüloğlu, who doesn’t have relevant education, and also basic knowledge, distorts the UN’s legislations and international rights, and that during his 10 year tenure as Ambassador he did not understand the meaning of a diplomat.

According to Balayan, if Bülbüloğlu did in fact understand what a diplomat is, he wouldn’t fervently urge Azerbaijanis of Russia to get armed and leave to Nagorno Karabakh, and wouldn’t scream that he is willing to do the same.

“Although a popular wisdom says: It’s a misfortune if a shoemaker starts baking donuts, and the pâtissier begins making shoes. Probably, personally for Bülbüloğlu the misfortune is the fact that over the 10 years he even got disqualified as a songwriter, stopped understanding that he cannot create a melody by playing only one false note, singing along his leadership in a bureaucratic outburst”, Balayan added.


