Armenia’s most Dangerous Enemy

It’s 1st of September today. A day, which is marked on calendar as Knowledge Day. A day, which is marked in the agenda of assistants to officials as the day to write congratulatory messages. A day, which is festive not for honoring knowledge, but due to the reason, that it symbolizes the happiness of completing the necessary expenses and freeing from it.
A day, which in the system of values is noteworthy, in the sense of the victory of form towards the content. As today not only thousands of children go to school, but also almost that many youngsters go to the university, institute—higher educational institution. They go to get higher education. They go, as it’s the custom, which by its vulgarism isn’t a custom but a tradition.
However, holidays, despite everything, are important. In particular, for the communities, in which a ritual is of vital importance. And as it’s a festive day today, thus, we should listen to messages and congratulations addressed on the day.
Especially children and young people, going to school or university for the first time, should listen to them. They should listen not to spoil their pure ideas with blathers, but as the first lesson of life. A lesson, which teaches, that from now on they will see and feel, feel and live quite different phenomena.
Children should listen to those speeches and messages as practical manifestation of commandments of tales of not lying, not cheating and not misleading.
They should listen, as they’ll listen to messages on knowledge and good learning from people, who were entitled to send those messages as a result of encouraging emptiness.
They should listen, as they’ll hear messages and congratulations from people, for the majority of whose September 1 isn’t Knowledge Day, but a closing season of shrimp and opening of khash.
Children, who’ll go to school for the first time, and students, who won’t go to school for the first time, live, and to all probabilities, will live in an environment, which is anti-scientific by essence, anti-humane and anti-ideological and anti-values.
Those children are living and will live in the society of low people, as in the higher elite appeared those, who would be in the place of knowledge-based society, where nowadays’ real scientists and teachers are, real actors and writers are, i.e. they would be among the extra minority of the society, and their existence would be equal to non-existence.
However, as long as they’re not there, education won’t have connection with realizing in life, becoming a good specialist and an honored citizen, developing as a happy person, but will simply be one of obligatory empty rituals, like the ham on new year table, or gaudy décolleté of the godfather’s wife at a wedding.
Like lots of mentioned and not mentioned insignificances, getting education has become mandatory and urged, and it has become anti-educational and anti-scientific by that.
In today’s messages it’ll be stressed that learning well is a necessary condition for becoming a good person and citizen. It’ll be stressed and falsified that Armenia’s tomorrow belongs to educated and developed young people. It’ll be falsified and won’t mentioned that to live well in Armenia and raise socially and politically, knowledge of Plato or Durkheim, but knowledge of reading a message sent from jail is important…
Despite everything, it’s September 1 today, although ritual, but knowledge day. And knowledge, despite mechanical knowledge, gives a person also hope, that by idea it’s possible to make the impossible possible. Hope, if consciousness was able to change even the structure of human cell, then it’s possible to change the society and the state, the most vital cells and organic systems are covered with the cancer of thinking.
Lots of children today will go to school for the first time, and students, who won’t go to school any more, among whose, surely, implementers of real revolution will be found. For that, yes, knowledge and patience is necessary. As ignorance is the most dangerous and most difficultly defeated enemy.
Happy Knowledge Day!
By Garnik Gevorgyan