NKR President Sends Congratulatory Message on NKR’s Independence Day

President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of the Independence Day of Nagorno Karabakh, press service of the NKR Presidential administration informed 168.am.
The NKR President’s message reads:
“Dear compatriots,
Today we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. On behalf of the republic’s authorities and myself personally I express my cordial congratulations to all our people in connection with this significant state holiday.
September 2 of 1991 has become a turning point in the life of the NKR people and changed the course of its history. Raising its decisive voice in favor of free and independent Nagorno Karabakh our nation embarked on the state-building process, started to build a democratic state in correspondence with the international norms and principles.
Our chosen path was hard and difficult. Azerbaijan responded to the NKR people’s fair and legal claims with violence, massacres and unleashed a bloody war. We were forced to take up arms and by all means defend the freedom and security of our newly independent state, our people’s peace and tranquility, our historical land and our rights.
During the days of ordeal as well as at all times Mother Armenia and the Diaspora were beside Nagorno Karabakh. Due to the practical support and active participation of the world-spread Armenians we managed to overcome all the trials and difficulties with flying colors, gained victory in the war imposed on us and started to develop and strengthen our precious and cherished Nagorno Karabakh, our Motherland.
Kind and honest people from various corners of the world, who value humanity and defense of democratic principles above everything else, have been beside us too. The NKR people are deeply grateful to all the friends and appreciate their contribution to the formation and development of our independent statehood.
Dear compatriots,
On this festive day we remember with special gratitude all our martyrs, brave sons of the Armenian people, those, who on the cost of their lives paved the path to our Motherland’s bright future. We ought to always keep the memory of our devotees. The best way to do it is the consistent development and strengthening of the free and independent NKR.
I once again congratulate all of you on this memorable holiday and wish robust health, successes and all the best to you, peace and welfare to our people”.