“Today RA De Facto Parliament is Facebook and De Facto NA President, Unfortunately—Mark Zuckerberg”
Statement by NA MP Tevan Poghosyan at the National Assembly.
“I congratulate all of us for de facto reaching last session of the National Assembly. I’m sure nobody hopes for normal spring session.
Frankly speaking I don’t have positive influence from our work, implemented last year. We, surely, passed laws, delivered speeches, paid working visits. We seem to have maintained the formal side. I consider the history won’t simply forget us regarding content.
The main work that we should have done, we haven’t done—we didn’t make the Parliament number one tribune of issues concerning our people. For what we all receive salary, the internet instead of us does. Unfortunately, de facto Parliament of the Republic of Armenia is Facebook, and de facto NA president—together with my all deep respect towards Mr. Sahakyan, is Mark Zuckerberg. Sadly, it’s a fact.
It’s difficult to say why it turned out so. Maybe we weren’t ready with the course of time, maybe we were lazy or literacy wasn’t enough, however, it’s not important either. We didn’t become the leader of our society, we didn’t show the light in the end of the tunnel, we didn’t make hope be dominant. One of my favorite bloggers insists that people live and don’t know that they don’t live among enemies, but of supporters…We failed to dictate ruled for the game anchored on mutual respect and preventing hostility, as we also played by old game rules.
I’m sorry for this.
Of course, we have a whole session to correct our mistakes. It’s not little time. Accordingly, we wish all of us prolific work.
Good luck to the fifth autumn session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.”