National Assembly dollar millionaires, factions’ monetary resources and more

Today “NA monitoring” program issued the data of Armenia’s NA MPs’ estate and income declarations.
NA MPs and related persons fill in annual declarations, which are published on the website of Ethics Commission. Thus, data of MPs regarding monetary resources, incomes, estate and loans for 2012 and 2015 have been introduced. A tool has been created, due to which, by using flexible filters, it’s possible to see how much e.g. monetary resources of RPA comprise or which incomes majoritarian MPs had.
Data collection and analysis for “NA monitoring” has been implemented by B4B.am. Parallel to developing it, short analysis has been prepared, results of which were introduced by founder of B4B.am Babken Tunyan.
More significant parts are introduced below.
Largest monetary resources as of late 2015 have been declared by Gagik Tsarukyan—USD 16.6 billion or 34.4 million. Samvel Aleksanyan comes next after Tsarukyan—USD 8.8 million, and Grigori Margaryan—USD 5.2 million.
Gagik Tsarukyan—16 625 977 270.0 (in AMD), 34 368 945.3 (in USD)
Samvel Aleksanyan—4 265 572 000.0 (in AMD), 8 817 719.9 (in USD)
Grigori Margaryan—2 504 256 250.0 (in AMD), 5 176 757.1 (in USD)
Hakob Hakobyan—2 446 045 561.3 (in AMD), 5 056 424.9 (in USD)
Arayik Grigoryan—2 395 343 50.0 (in AMD), 4 951 615.0 (in USD)
Ashot Arsenyan—2 035 000 000.0 (in AMD), 4 206 718.3 (in USD)
Vahan Karapetyan—1 606 297 320.0 (in AMD), 3 320 511.3 (in USD)
Artak Sargsyan—1 136 665 767.5 (in AMD), 2 349 696.7 (in USD)
Manvel Badeyan—1 107 241 350.0(in AMD), 2 288 871.0 (in USD)
Murad Guloyan—916 498 500.0 (in AMD), 1 894 570.5 (in USD)
Vrezh Markosyan—791 643 928.6 (in AMD), 1 636 473.2 (in USD)
Arshak Mkhitaryan—729 625 000.0 (in AMD), 1 508 268.7 (in USD)
Gurgen Arsenyan—690 740 600.7 (in AMD), 1 427 887.5 (in USD)
Ara Aramyan—673 699 000.0 (in AMD), 1 392 659.4 (in USD)
Mher Sedrakyan—500 000 000.0 (in AMD), 1 033 591.7 (in USD)
Artur Gevorgyan—489 942 450.0 (in AMD), 1 012 800.9 (in USD)
NA 131 MPs all together have declared AMD 12 billion 555 million 318.9 thousand, USD 47 million 722.5 thousand, EUR 15 million 310.9, RUB 3.7 million and CHF 7000 by the end of 2015.
In Armenian drams all NA MPs together declared 43 billion 463.7 million, in USD—89.8 million.
Total in the beginning of the year comprised AMD 93.7 billion, and reduced by the amount equal to AMD 50 billion. Main “guilty” is Gagik Tsarukyan, whose monetary resources reduced by AMD 47 billion.
Greater part of monetary resources—53% was in US dollar by the end of 2015. Specific gravity of monetary resources in Armenian dram comprises 29%, of Euro—18%. It’s noteworthy, that monetary resources in national currency dominated in the beginning of 2015.
Based on different factions, largest monetary resources were possessed by PAP by the end of 2015 (if Gagik Tsarukyan is regarded as a PAP member). PAP MPs all together declared AMD 25.4 billion, RPA—AMD 14.9 billion, ARF—343.6 million, which comprises 58.75% of total monetary resources.
34.44% of total monetary resources are shared by RPA and 5.89%—by MPs not involved in factions.
In the period of 2012-2015 monetary resources of RPA faction have recorded the most decrease—64.9%, and those of Rule of Law have increased the most, thus, comprising 116.2%.
Regarding incomes it should be stated that total incomes of 131 NA MPs throughout 2015 comprised about AMD 18.7 billion. As compared to 2012 annual incomes have considerably increased: in the period of 2012 they have declared income amounting AMD 13 billion.
Throughout 2015 most income was received by Gagik Tsarukyan—AMD 6.28 billion, Ashot Arsenyan is the next—AMD 6 billion, and then Gurgen Arsenyan—AMD 1.8 billion.
Gagik Tsarukyan (PAP)—6 287 638 620.0
Ashot Arsenyan (RPA)—6 035 697 948.0
Gurgen Arsenyan (PAP)—1 831 447 675.0
Arkadi Hambardzumyan (RPA)—1 256 721 710.0
Mher Sedrakyan (RPA)—337 582 800.0
Arayik Grigoryan (NP)—252 264 710.0
Armen Mkhitaryan (RPA)—240 674 258.0
Hermine Naghdalyan (RPA)—226 131 390.0
Hakob Hakobyan (RPA)—217 261 593.0
Manvel Grigoryan (RPA)—157 295 990.0
Regarding sources of incomes, 45% of incomes were formed from indemnities and percentages of loans. Dividends are coming next (33.75%).
Salaries comprise 4.9% of total income. It should also be noted that 68 out of 131 MPs have stated their salaries as their only income source.