
Defense Minister is against exemption from military service at the age of 27

At today’s Q&A session ANC faction secretary Aram Manukyan posed a question to the Government,

“The law on citizens, not passing mandatory military service, says that people aged 27, pursuant RA legislation make a payment to the state budget and are not prosecuted. It’s been 3 call-ups that RA Government hasn’t submitted the draft bill to prolongation of the deadlines. Why don’t you do this? You should eliminate this law, this is a price for escape, but people say this law should be applied. As a result of not applying for 3 call-ups, a serious number is observed, who are waiting for it. If it should be applied, let’s do it before the New Year.”

In reply Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan said that as a Defense Minister, he is categorically against that solution, and he considers that upon the defined order the service should be passed, and not paid for not passing.

“As a Government member, I respect the law adopted by the National Assembly. In all cases recently another session was launched, during which a group of people received draft deferment, and means obtained a result of this program, are very clearly and transparently observed—they don’t form a big financial assistance to solve military issues.

Why am I against? I consider this isn’t a solution, as I think it fosters people’s approaches that they may escape to another country and then be back and pay the money. As a Defense Minister I can’t be enthusiastic about it,” the Minister said.

By Ani Keshishyan


