
Einstein, Newton, Pelechian: It’s good that you exist

“Einstein said Dostoevsky has given more to him, than all scientists and intellectuals altogether, and movie has importance to me, as Dostoyevsky for Einstein,” once our compatriot, one of the film giants Artavazd Pelechian described connection between him and cinematography.

More than dozens of movies left behind, several of which brought world fame not only to the film director, but also his homeland, authorizing discovery of “Distance montage”—exclusive innovative theory in cinematography, and today Pelechian won’t stop “shooting” the upcoming film—“Homo sapiens”, but for now only in his mind.

It’s difficult to guess what kind of thoughts frequently visit this genius, almost impossible, more unexpected are touchable, subject manifestations of those ideas, one of which we edified recently: “My world and common theory of the field” scientific work, released in Russian with restricted 500 samples and creation of which took the author 4 decades to say to the reader, to the humanity, “I think I have found what Einstein sought for 40 years and wouldn’t find.”

What did Pelechian find in the tracks of his studies for 4 decades, author of which discovery became that Man, who surprised those invited to the presentation?

It turns out there are no endless figures in nature. They start, grow and unexpectedly return to one point. Where is that point or what a formula is it? The Master confesses: he doesn’t know, but he’s sure figures have that capability,

“In nature there are, for instance, phenomena, that are twice bigger than they are. It’s a complicated notion. Let me bring an example, which doesn’t coincide with the reality, but fully reflects my ideas, what I want to say. Suppose at an O moment a man is born, his death is conditionally fixed as X. Draw a line from O to X and we’ll see what happens with that line. A man lives an hour, a day, a month, a year, thus, we write on the line 0+1. What happens to X at that moment?—X-1. So, taking a step forward, a man reduces his general way by two steps. If a life of 90 years is given to the person, by that scheme it turns out at O moment, when he was born, life of 180 years was programmed for him.

And here we say that he is twice bigger than him. This is my formula, if we fix the dimension from zero to death as R, we’ll have R=2R.”

Reflecting to Einstein, the Master says, “Einstein worked last 30-40 years of his life to find the formula of unity of the field. He didn’t succeed. In my opinion, he made a mistake, which I consider irreparable. But I should say, he wasn’t guilty in it. Which was it?…All the planets in the Space attract one another with plus-minus. And if they attract till the end, they’ll clash and end. That’s why Einstein introduced the consonant, which kept back from constant attraction. However, in the 20s Edwin Hubble discovered expansion of the universe and supernova explosion.

Due to enlargement Einstein refused the constant and considered introducing it one of the biggest mistakes of his life. However, I consider, his mistake wasn’t putting that sign, but refusing it. Edwin Hubble’s enlarging space confused Einstein. He should have not refused, but attempted to find the real sign substituting the conditional, abstract sign, the real formula. Thus, from the Ancient World up to now we put minus next to plus as an inviolable rule. Every reason has its implication, there is a particle of the implication in every reason, and there is a particle of reason in any implication. There is a particle of minus in every plus and vice versa. I came to the following conclusion: the Space functions not with plus-minus correlation, but plus-plus-minus-minus.”

Thus, discovery of his own scheme functioning the Space, which in name of the author is called “Pelechan Matrix”, doesn’t promise glory bays to Artavazd Pelechian. However, the Master considers this way, who concluding the pages of a 40-year scientific work, writes,

“I consider I will avoid neither evil “pity” nor “bites” of scientists. Remember, how at first theories of Einstein and Newton were ignored and mocked. However, their fundamental discoveries of the world surrounding us have new explanation and will have big importance for the future science. I’m sure, if they were alive now, they’d be the first to support and congratulate by theoremic ideas and concepts. And I’d say to them, “It’s good that you exist.”

This is Artavazd Pelechian’s gratitude, by which his scientific work ends. In my turn, who read it and who is the compatriot of the Great Thinker, I’d like to say, “It’s good that you exist, precious Master!”

By Nvard Manvelyan


