
“Azerbaijani provocations in Karabakh aren’t excluded in parallel with Turkey-Azerbaijan military exercises”

“Extra vigilance is required from the Armenian side these days,” Cengiz Aktar, Turkish political analyst, publicist, told reflecting to Turkey-Azerbaijan joint military exercises.

Note, yesterday Turkey-Azerbaijan joint military exercises were launched, which will last until May 5. As Turkish-Azerbaijani media outlets inform, purpose of military exercises is coordination of armed forces of both countries and exchange of experience, as well as raising readiness of subdivisions. Besides staff, military equipment, participation of armored vehicles, artillery batteries and air defense systems with airplanes and helicopters in addition to soldiers’ units is anticipated as well.

It should also be added that in parallel with military exercises with Turkey in Azerbaijan, the Armenian side states on rising sobriety of the troops and border control strengthening. It’s noteworthy that this time the Armenian side pays particular attention to them on account of military exercises launched in Azerbaijan in April and parallel tension on the contact line, as a result of which the Armenian side recorded two casualties. These days the Azerbaijani side shot on Armenian villages as well.

Cengiz Aktar said these are regular military exercises, which aren’t a threat to the Armenian sides and fit within Turkey-Azerbaijan deepened military cooperation. In his words, it isn’t a secret that Azerbaijani armed forces reached current level due to Turkish military, which not only through military exercises, but also permanent work in Azerbaijan, transmit their experience.

“This is depth of cooperation, the right of which the sides have. On the other hand, I accept that for this region such military exercises in the region are observed as manifestation of power and require sobriety from the side of the adversary on account of Azerbaijan’s participation, which reaches psychological enthusiasm from likewise military exercises. Military equipment provided by Russia also contributed to that enthusiasm.

We observed this very enthusiasm on Karabakh-Azerbaijan line of contact these days. Turkey transmits its experience and Azerbaijan, besides training, military issue, attempts to serve the situation on the contact line in its favor by solving political issues. It isn’t excluded that this time again we’ll edify border provocations,” Aktar said.

He believes the Armenian side should be ready to such developments. However, according to Aktar the situation from Azerbaijan’s perspective isn’t favorable for wide-scale military operations. “All incidents will be small-scale, not growing into dangerous clashes,” the expert said.

By Araks Martirosyan


