“Organizing all this under war conditions isn’t easy, on account of the fact that both diplomatic and political work is necessary to record such results under the conditions of military activation on the contact line.”
“Currently we have discussed two energy corridors with Iran’s Energy Minister—one of them is Russia-Georgia-Armenia-Iran. Currently feasibility study is being developed, which will be ready in the second half of ongoing year,” Novak said.
The Armenian economic activity index for January 2017 surpassed the index of the same period of the previous year by 6.5%. The National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia has introduced the current-operative preliminary main macro-economic indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of Armenia.
SCPEC President’s advisor Gayane Sahakyan said the commission inquired from the State Revenue Committee and two dominant business operators of the sphere – Flash LLC and CPS Oil Corporation LLC, as well as Max Petrol CJSC.
The most expensive prices are recorded in Kentron administrative district—average price for 1m2 comprised AMD 428250. The second place holds Arabkir administrative district (AMD 357450 for 1m2), which is followed by Kanaker-Zeytun (AMD 283350 for 1m2) and Davtashen (AMD 277300 for 1m2).
“It’s clear that Armenia’s presence in CSTO provides the opportunity to institutionalize relations with Russia, i.e. CSTO interests Armenia, firstly, out of Russian factor, and this is creation of another “single flag”, under which Armenia can have support from Russia in various issues. Everybody knows which issues are meant, from which—Azerbaijani aggression, Turkish factor, which undoubtedly is considered important.”
The Grant Scheme will help building capacity in project management and funds management and directly support the development of the Shirak region. It will contribute to raising the economic competitiveness, creating jobs and reducing tendencies of outward migration.
During the government’s last session on December 29, 2016 PM Karen Karapetyan, applying to Artur Javadyan, Chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia (CBA), asked whether CBA will constantly reduce refinancing rate.
American Heritage Foundation published 2017 Index of Economic Freedom where Armenia ranks the 33rd among 180 countries. Armenia’s economic freedom score is 70.3, making its economy the 33rd freest in the 2017 Index.
The Government of Armenia is willing to finance top three start-up projects of YSU students, which will be determined as result of an upcoming competition, Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan told the students during a meeting in the Yerevan State University.