“Currently we’re discussing the issue of creating a centralized machinery park and providing service to small economies, which don’t have the opportunity to purchase agricultural equipment,” the Minister said.
“Armenia plans to construct high voltage power line next year which will allow the RF to export electricity to the Iranian market by power exchange transactions,” Miller said. He also stated that the modernization of the 5th energy block of Hrazdan Thermal Power Plant.
“Russia is Armenia’s largest natural gas supplier,” Putin added. Putin also referred to cultural and educational relations between Armenia and Russia. “Nearly 5.5 thousand Armenian citizens study at Russian higher educational institutions over 1500 of which at the expense of Russia’s state budget,” he said.
This election campaign differs from the previous ones. It varies not only by amended Constitution, but by the very content of the campaign.
At the same time, compared to February of the previous year, the gasoline and diesel prices decreased by 7.3 and 4.9% respectively. Compared with December of 2016 an ination of 5.6% and 10.9% was recorded.
Greater part of tourists—1 084 933 stayed in houses of relatives or friends, rented apartments and similar places. 174 724 people stayed in hotels.
Various in-depth issues bothering our country, our society are being touched upon during the debates launched at “Pressing” Club under “168 Hours” newspaper. The project is implemented in partnership with “DEPOP” Institute for Governance, “AZAD Pharma AG” ltd and “168 Hours” newspaper.
Ahead of the April 2 parliamentary elections in Armenia, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) foundation has planned a series of events dedicated to the platforms of political forces running for Parliament.
“This means now our businessmen bring various products from Russia, rather from third countries, because it is more profitable. We see the progress and trade for our businesses with EEU member states has become easier,” he said.
33 thousand passenger vehicles were imported to Armenia during 2016. According to the Customs Service, in 2015 the number of passenger vehicle imports comprised 27.3 thousand – meaning the number in 2016 increased by 5,7 thousand.