“Monopolies should be treated in the following way: country’s being small will lead to the point that there won’t be any big actor, it’s another question—does it originate in fair, competitive conditions or in an administrative way? There will be equal conditions. If any of them is successive business, we’re not going to seize that in any way.”
“Does Armenia’s economy has a formula to be reproduced without fight against shadow? No. Should we attempt to do that? Yes. Will we succeed? We’ll see. Are we determined? Yes.”
“I have always been interested in honey production and promotion of the honey types produced in different areas in the market. After reaching a final idea to do this, we started to examine the honey market in Armenia and the further perspectives of the production development. The process took us around one and a half years. At first it was a little difficult, the beekeepers were suspicious towards us, the sellers didn’t want to cooperate, the customers didn’t believe that our product was ecologically pure”- tells George Tabakian.
It should be noted, that only one company in Armenia produces tablets and mobile phones—Technology and Science Dynamics.
According to data issued by RA National Statistical Service in 2015 average monthly nominal salary in Armenia comprised AMD 171.615. From which: average salary in public sector comprised AMD 160.5222, and in private sector—AMD 184.416.
To express more figuratively, Armenia’s PM’s office is like a person driving a ramshackle car. One drives well, the other—a bit bad. One is a literate driver, and the other—a skillful one. They pass 1-2 kilometers, stop, open the motor hood, add oil, fix the tube and continue the road…But the car remains the same.
“Due to the abovementioned investments it’ll be possible to produce production of about AMD 2.5 billion per year (2016), greater part of which will be exported to Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries,” Minasyan said.
A difficult question. I must collect all impressions and analyze them. But if we just talk about my recent impressions I will say they are heavy and are mainly associated with large business. First of all, inefficiency prevails in such companies. The reason is the system where there are many people: everyone works in his/her small part, and it is quite easy to stay unnoticed. I mean if someone doesn’t work well, it is not immediately noticeable. And since the employees are rapidly changed, it appears that older bad workers are replaced by new ones.
“We are independent, we keep our language, economy, budget, we only work in the field of economy. Economic integration is limited, on the 8th horizontal. As for the political one, I’m sorry but it should be ‘stopped’ here,” T.Suleymanov said.
“Armenia’s full membership to the Customs Union was economically impossible, and life has showed: that circumstance makes Armenia face certain difficulties, as economic customs unions are existent among the countries with common borders.”