A 21-year-old soldier of the Artsakh Defense Army has died on March 26 after sustaining a fatal gunshot wound in circumstances that are yet to be determined, the Defense Ministry of Artsakh said in a news release.
The Azerbaijani troops tried to carry out engineering works aimed at moving forward their positions in the neutral zone in the north-eastern section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border near Berdavan village on March 26 at about 16:30.
In other words, the state puts a concrete task before science, provides finance and it turns out that science doesn’t solve this issue at least within a proper time and doesn’t receive that funding.
The problem regarding the law on procurement is being pointed out not only in the science sector but elsewhere, PM Nikol Pashinyan said at the general assembly of the Armenian Academy of Sciences in response to member Arsen Hakhumyan, who told the PM that the state procurement process is “inadmissibly” lengthy while implementing short-term projects.
“I too am unhappy with the work of the law enforcement agencies, especially the National Security Service.
Director of the National Security Service of Armenia Artur Vanetsyan assures that a lot of money will be returned to the state budget within the frames of several scandalous cases that are under investigation, he said during the session of the parliamentary standing committee on defense and security affairs, asked whether there are predictions in connection with the money to be returned to the budget in 2019.
Azerbaijan’s commencement of large-scale offensive-type military drills without prior notification is a violation of international obligations envisaged by the OSCE tools.
I want to inform you that at the moment there are, at least are discussed with the Government 89 investment projects totaling 2.7 billion USD. 42 out of the 89 projects (774 million USD) are in fact in various stages of implementation, the others are under active discussions.
This is constantly in the dimension of our discussions. In the part there was a practice when both Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh were bound to return people who were lost and trespassed the border within a week.
There is no need to wait at all. It’s just necessary to work consistently in the diplomatic process because, frankly speaking, what is stated publicly, is not something new both for the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and Azerbaijan.