“On this day, we solemnly gather to commemorate the tragic loss of life among the Armenian population, which took place over a century ago. In 2015, the House of Commons unanimously passed a motion declaring April 24th as Armenian Genocide Memorial Day.”
The U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had a phone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday to follow up on bilateral issues discussed during his April 11-12 visit to Moscow, Acting State Department’s Spokesperson Mark Toner said in a statement, reports TASS.
“We should all care about human rights, helping refugees and children. My name is Jennifer Lopez, and I vow to keep the promise to never forget,” Lopez said in an online video.
The filmmakers behind new historical epic ‘The Promise,’ starring Oscar Isaac and Christian Bale, charge that Turkish interests tried to counter their film by creating a competing movie.
An IS fighter has been killed in a ground operation in Syria, the US military announced. Close to the IS leadership, Abdurakhmon Uzbeki was linked to an attack on a Turkish nightclub that killed 39 people, DW reported.
“The atrocities of both the Armenian and Jewish Holocausts were unimaginable,” reads Governor Mead’s letter, “but it is important for all to remember – history must not repeat itself.”
Based on the Armenian government’s decision, the European Court ruled the lawsuit to be unacceptable for the mentioned articles, as for the other parts it ruled it as clearly unfounded.
“Work is done with the Trump administration, letters are sent to the President. Dialogue and exchange of ideas exists with the President’s administration. In addition, meetings are held with Congressmen.”
U.S. authorities have been engaged in discussions over whether to seek charges against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, according to a source familiar with the matter. The debate over charges was first reported by the Washington Post.
“On account of the circumstance that the new agreement doesn’t suppose deep cooperation in the field of economy, where EEU has a monopoly, but the agreement enshrines Armenia-EU cooperation fields and the vision, Armenia’s democratic reforms and the course to democracy.”