Over 20 million USD of proceeds from the Armenian Genocide themed movie ‘The Promise’ will be directed towards creating a new institute in the UCLA’s law school, Daily News reports.
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a phone conversation with US President Donald Trump, Anadolu reported. President Trump congratulated Erdogan on the victory in the April 16 constitutional referendum.
But love is The Promise’s stock in trade. “Along with this heavy topic, we’ve created a very moving and emotional love quadrangle that carries us through the film,” says Terry George (Hotel Rwanda), the film’s director and co-writer. “We set out to create something that would appeal to a broader audience. This is a big, old-fashioned love story that takes place during a very dark period in history.”
Over 1000 American and 500 South Korean personnel are participating in the exercises, along with US 7th Air Force and South Korean Air Force gunships. The exercises are held amid sharp escalation of the situation in the Korean Peninsula.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel also said on Monday that Turkish authorities needed to address concerns about the content and procedure of the referendum raised by a panel of European legal experts.
“The referendum results created a divided country. The EU’s cooperation with this country in the future will become more difficult,” he said.
“These directions of cooperation are planned under the NATO-Armenia Individual Partnership Action Plan. Our main goal is conveying NATO standards and positive experience to partner countries,” the NATO official said.
At least 12 people have suffered burns from a suspected “noxious substance” at a club in east London, police say, BBC reported. Hundreds of revellers were evacuated from Mangle E8 in Sidworth Street, London Fields, after police were called at about 01:10 BST.
“Results were strictly predictable. We had no doubt that RPA will hold the power. After constitutional change elections were the second ritual step. By this step incumbent leaders cemented their leading positions for the upcoming years.”
Tens of thousands of Catholics gathered at the Colosseum in the Italian capital on Friday for the traditional Way of the Cross procession that commemorates the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, who was crucified by the Romans 2,000 years ago.