“I am Luol Deng, and I vow to keep the promise in supporting human rights in South Sudan,” he said on Twitter.
During the reporting period, the balance of loan and grant resources from external sources was added by 1,6 billion drams – instead of using the planned 4,6 billion drams under the first quarter. Armenia’s net external financial assets comprised -10,9 billion drams in January-February (104,8% of the quarterly program) in comparison to the planned 10,4 billion.
“I believe Russia was “cheated” and we may only make guesses which side did it. According to one of them the initiator may be from Assad’s circle, for which continuity, escalation of the conflict is beneficial, such are not few,” Russian orientalist said.
US President Trump said he has no plans to enter Syria, despite ordering airstrikes on a Syrian military base last week, Fox Business reported.
After surviving a targeted effort by Turkish lobbies to derail its success, the Armenian Genocide film The Promise will open in American theaters next week. And Hollywood celebs are getting the word out, newsbusters.org informs.
Windows were smashed and one player, Marco Bartra according to local reports, has been taken to hospital. It is suggested the player only suffered cuts too his hands from the shattered glass.
An upgraded version of the tactical missile system Iskander-M will be presented after 2020, Rostec corporation’s CEO Sergey Chemezov has said.
The former president can likely look forward to a warm welcome in Germany, where he still enjoys a favorable reputation despite revelations that the NSA once tapped Chancellor Merkel’s cell phone under his watch.
A man arrested on suspicion of terrorism offenses after the Stockholm truck attack is from the central Asian republic of Uzbekistan and was known to intelligence services, Swedish authorities said, reports CNN.
“We don’t have a consensus on how to use sanctions as an instrument for achievement of goals. Italy has always stressed that sanctions could not be an ultimate goal. That is why we are against their automatic extension,” Alfano said.