According to the Constitution, 9 candidates received the required number of signatures. In terms of number of signatures, the Republican candidate François Fion is leading.
Several entrepreneurs stated that smooth holding of the upcoming election and peaceful transfer to parliamentary system will greatly contribute to the further involvement of the Russian capital in Armenia’s economy by this leaving a positive impact on Armenia’s international rating
Various in-depth issues bothering our country, our society are being touched upon during the debates launched at “Pressing” Club under “168 Hours” newspaper. The project is implemented in partnership with “DEPOP” Institute for Governance, “AZAD Pharma AG” ltd and “168 Hours” newspaper.
In an interview, Brown maintained that their film was not seeking to promote a particular political agenda, describing it as “a classic love story, set at a time and place that we really haven’t seen in cinema.”
German Chancellor Angela Merkel ruled out trading provocations with Turkey on Thursday after President Tayyip Erdogan sharply criticized bans on planned rallies by Turkish ministers in Germany and the Netherlands, Reuters reports.
The United States urged Turkey to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. During a daily press briefing at the State Department, the reporter said currently there are over 150 journalists in jail in Turkey, pressures are exerted on the opposition, and Turkey is going to a referendum under such circumstances.
Bulgarian authorities have recalled their Ambassador to Turkey for consultations, the Bulgarian MFA said. Official Sofia expressed its complaint over the fact that Turkey wants to interfere in Bulgaria’s domestic affairs.
Thus, he believes, the Russian side will attempt to mitigate discontent of the Armenian side, by providing some “compensation”. As for Belarus, he considers currently Russia-Belarus relations are in serious crisis within EEU, against the background of which NK conflict and the issue of Armenian candidate isn’t even noticed by Belarus and won’t create obstacles.
The two military commanders also discussed the latest developments in the war on terrorism, as well as coordination and cooperation in that field, according to a statement by Egypt’s armed forces.
A letter exploded when it was opened at the offices in central Paris of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Thursday and one person was slightly injured, police sources said.