When Madonna burst onto the scene in the early 1980s, there was little reason to suspect that she’d have more than her allotted 15 minutes of fame. But in the three decades since her debut album, she has managed to remain a media icon.
The Central Electoral Commission of Armenia released the number of citizens eligible to vote in the upcoming election of Yerevan City Council.
Prominent actors and singers worldwide continue to show support for the Armenian Genocide movie The Promise. Hollywood actor Dean Cain, who visited Armenia recently, posted a video on his Twitter account commenting on the movie.
“I’m really excited to be back in Artsakh. What an amazing transformation this place has been experiencing. Check out this kid singing Soad’s Lonely Day. He is a true rockstar,” he wrote.
As the Central Information Department of the Office of the Artsakh Republic President reports, various issues regarding the life in Artsakh, the state-building process, regional trends and the Motherland-Diaspora ties were touched upon during the meeting.
This is a story about how six Armenian immigrants escaping looming atrocities in the Ottoman Empire, came to America and created a candy empire in small town Connecticut, winning a permanent place in confectionary history forever.
The oldest winery in the world has been uncovered in a cave in the mountains of Armenia. An international team of researchers discovered drinking bowl, a grape press, a cup, and fermentation jars dating to about 6,100 years ago in the cave at the area called Areni-1 in Armenia.
47 calls were made to the Hot Line of the Police operational headquarters from 08:00-24:00 on April 2. 12 of the calls were responded with consultations, 1 has been sent for inspection, 30 have been sent for corresponding district inspections and 4 have been sent for solving under the judicial code.
“I think various states will learn the elements of this new format so that to avoid complaints later. The new technique only has one problem: sometimes there are crowds since scanner recognizes with difculty the ngerprints of elderly people. If other countries decide to apply these mechanisms, they must consider this,” he said.
“Number of citizens in Yerevan eligible to vote comprises 845.804, and number of participants is 283.453 or 33.51% of voters,” he said.