If the Armenian Side has the Permit of the Pope Personally, it’ll be Able to Acquire Still Inaccessible Documents on Armenian Genocide

In secret archive of Vatican documents for all the periods of history of all people of the world are kept. Amatuni Virabyan, director of National Archive of Armenia, told about this reporters today.
In his words, documents kept in the archive of Vatican cover Ancient Europe, from the discovery of America up to the World War II.
“According to one of the employees of the archive, not a single nation was left unnoticed from their sight. Although some part of the archive is not secret, until now it’s called a secret archive, which is the largest archive in the world: if you put documents next to each other, it will comprise 85 kilometers. Currently it serves for the history of humanity, however, it’s not so organized yet, as an incredible number of documents are available here,” he said.
In his words copies of the documentation in the archive of Vatican are not accessible to Armenia.
“As the Pope had representatives in almost all the countries of the world, yet in the end of 19th century their reports on the condition of Christians have been gathered in the archive, including Armenian Christians. Pietro Kuchukyan, RA Honored Consul in Milano, supports the process of making the copies accessible to the Armenian side,” Amatuni Virabyan said.
In his words, currently the problem is the language, as those documents are mainly in French and Latin, and Latin is a big problem.
“We have the issue of a specialist in Osman language, as that language is rather difficult, it’s not like Turkish,” he stressed.
The Director of the National Archive also informed if the Armenian side initiates and has a permit personally from the Pope, we’ll be able to acquire still inaccessible documents on Armenian Genocide.