As reported earlier, medical workers of the ambulance left the police precinct today. At the press conference doctor Norayr Tevanyan and nurse Malina Margaryan replied to the questions.
According to the information at the disposal of medical workers taken hostage in the police precinct—doctor Norayr Tevanyan and nurse Malina Margaryan, succeeded to escape from the territory. On July 27 the two doctors Norayr Tevanyan and Salvador Khechoyan, paramedic Davit Tonoyan, nurse Malina Margaryan, who came to show medical assistance to the wounded in the police precinct, were taken hostage.
“We don’t want to be the bitch of any superpower”. One thing we learned from the protests in the past were how foreign powers were interested in using them as political tools for their own interests. We need to diplomatically shift away from unipolar geopolitics to one that sees everything in the interests of our homeland.”
“We are following developments with growing concern. We deplore the death of another police officer this afternoon and wish to express our condolences to his family. With a view to the growing risk of escalation, we call on all sides to show maximum restraint from violence and to refrain from provocations. The situation should be resolved and public order restored in compliance with the rule of law.”
“Moments ago a sniper has opened fire from the seized police precinct. 30 year old police officer Yura Tepanosyan, who was inside a vehicle 300-400 meters away from the precinct has been killed.”
As reported earlier the gunmen have time until 17:00 today to lay down their weapons and surrender to authorities without resistance.
“On July 29, in the period between 21:00 and 23:00, the gunmen have periodically opened fire from various types of weapons from the police precinct, in particular from the windows of the 3- storey building, at on-duty police officers in Sari Tagh area, at buildings of the area, as well as at law enforcement officers who were monitoring the blocked part of Khorenatsi Street, and have thrown stun grenades at the barrier in Khorenatsi Street.”
According to him, if the issue of the Police was dispersing the meeting, it should have simply applied special means of dispersing the unauthorized rally, and not organize beatings, send secret agents there, who penetrated into public in civilian clothes and firstly attempted to provoke people, and then applied functions of the Police.
“Sayad wasn’t a demonstrator, he was on his way to the uncle’s house, who was timely back from Moscow and was staying at a relative, living in Sari Tagh. As there were no routes for public transportation, they were closed, he decided to go on foot, not knowing there would be a protest on that part of the district. He didn’t manage to pass, as there were explosions. As a result, he received injury on the eye, which has been extracted.”
“Maria Zakharova mentioned that Turkey can have a positive investment in the conflict settlement process, as it has repeatedly supported Azerbaijan’s activities. I perceive Zakharova’s remarks this way, it’s clear that Turkey won’t become a participant to negotiation format, Armenia will be against, and even in case of such a perspective Armenia won’t allow it. Russia hasn’t changed its policy, essence of which is balance maintenance between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and Turkey will divert that balance, which isn’t beneficial for Russia,” Russian Turkologist said.