“Government’s action plan doesn’t solve challenges, which our country faces. Armenia really appeared in isolation, and if we don’t come out, no issue will be solved. Thus, situation improvement can’t be recorded, negative tendencies will proceed.”
Our sworn friend Russia and that much sworn enemies are in active socializations. A few days ago presidents of Russia and Turkey signed a document, the so-called “Turkish flow” on construction of a gas pipeline.
The National Assembly approved the action plan submitted by the Government with 85 for, 7 against and 6 abstained votes. Prior to the voting in his concluding remarks PM Karen Karapetyan reflected to speeches by the MPs.
Both Houses of the French Legislature have once again adopted a law that penalizes the denial of genocides recognized by French or international courts, or the denial, minimization or extreme trivialization of other genocides or Crimes Against Humanity, if accompanied by incitement to violence or hatred.
“I have participated in a number of action plans of the Government since 2007, sometimes I have the impression of a déjà vu—nice words, approximately the same texts: corruption, monopoly, shadow, we’ll do this, that…”
“Many extrabudgetary means are planned upon functioning loan agreements, the other part is considered a part of the budget, and if they are transparent, I don’t see a big issue here,” Davit Harutyunyan, Minister-Chief of the Government Staff of Armenia, said.
“The only fight against poverty is establishing workplaces, creating favorable conditions for it, that a businessman had the opportunity to create workplaces. It’s not a secret for anyone, that business environment is also rather disappointed and not enthusiastic. I met our business environment, as people say, I didn’t notice the fire,” the PM said.
Having no doubt that Karen Karapetyan has assumed the position of the Prime Minister with the sincere instigation to heal the country’s economic condition, I consider, he, first and foremost, should take the following undeniable reality into consideration.
“If any of you opens 10 workplaces, it comprises 1000 workplaces, if you open 1000, I multiple it by 5, imagine, you don’t let people quit Armenia,” Hranush Hakobyan told this to “Russia’s powerful men” (upon her own formulation) during the meeting with presidents of the regional division of the Union of Armenians of Russia.
Vladimir Yevseev stated that turning points haven’t been recorded during the session, however, one shouldn’t underestimate its results. In his assessment, basically the session became a litmus paper of discrepancies between CSTO member countries, and they should be properly solved.