The awards will be held on March 26 in Paris, France, in the most prestigious ZENITH complex. Particiapants include Armenian stars like Jivan Gasparyan, Sirusho, Kristine Pepelyan, Harut Pambukchyan, Tata Simonyan, Andre, Araksya Varderesyan, Nazeni Hovhannisyan and others, the official Facebook page of the awards reported.
Favorite footballer Henrikh Mkhitaryan also provided great assistance to the young men. Our compatriots from different countries of the world had their contribution to the fundraising, as well as foreigners and Yazidis living in Germany, informs.
“My apologies,” Kelly said as a woman burst through the door to retrieve the kids. Props to the professor, who kept his cool despite the falling books and subsequent crying heard from the hallway.
In his words Armenians, who migrated to different countries of the world in early 20th century, were striving to reach success and heights almost in all fields of vitality.
“Today, we are calling on companies to take concrete steps to increase gender diversity on their boards, and have issued clear guidance to help them begin to take action,” State Street Global Advisors CEO Ron O’Hanley said in a statement.
The role of women in society continues to be underscored by their presence and impact. Women play irreplaceable role in the society in all levels. The protection and promotion of women’s and girls’ rights and gender equality is a policy priority for the EU’s external relations. The EU is strongly committed to playing a lead role in this respect.
Due to this mission, values like love and devotion, family and home are being completed and honored. Our best national traditions are preserved due to your devotion, the strength of the Armenian family, due to your virtue our surrounding world becomes kind and tolerant, harmonious and full of hope.
Nowadays, March 8 has truly acquired the status of a holiday. It presents yet another beautiful occasion to express our love and admiration, our gratitude and devotion to the women and girls around us. We encourage in every way a greater participation of women in the social life of our country.
“As there is a confirmed natural cause of death, being dilated cardiomyopathy with myocarditis and fatty liver, the investigation is being discontinued and there is no need for an inquest or any further enquiries.”
“Our primary aim is to light up villages of the all 36 border communities of Armenia and Artsakh through installing LED technology. It is hard to set a certain deadline for the completion of the initiative since the works heavily depend on donation,” the Minister noted, adding the pace will be kept up given also the ongoing decline in the prices of the LED bulbs.