“It may sound strange, but this has psychological reasons. The EU actively prepared for signing the association agreements with four EaP countries in Vilnius, it was touched upon for months, however, on the threshold of Vilnius there was a surprise in case of two countries, which was a blow to the EU, a bigger one was Ukrainian war, after which the EU basically doesn’t intend to give great importance to signing of the agreement.”
Vahram Baghdasaryan, head of RPA faction, candidate for the MP nominated by preferential voting system, has declared rather modest incomes compared with his colleagues.
Currently the motivations for acquiring the parts of the antiaircraft missile complex, possible goals for its application, as well as funding sources are being clarified. Preliminary investigation is underway.
Today at around 13:20 correspondent of 168.am edified how from Yerevan’s Nalbandyan-Tumanyan intersection (near Samvel Babayan’s house), a few persons, also in uniforms, took the citizen into the car. There was black Mercedes nearby, registration plate of which ended by 444, which are considered to be those of Samvel Babayan. Based on information under our disposal, Samvel Babayan has a few cars, and one of them with 44UU444 registration plate.
“On the level of Russia’s president, Foreign Minister and Armenia’s Ambassador to Russia it doesn’t miss the chance to insist that Russia acts jointly with other OSCE MG Co-Chairs, issue of whose at the moment is preventing conflict escalation,” Tarasov said.”
Based on result of the first two months of ongoing year economic activity index (EAI) comprised 6.2% (compared with January-February of the previous year). On monthly basis February 2017 compared with February 2017 economic activity grew by 6%.
On behalf of Armenia it was initialed by Deputy Foreign Minister Karen Nazaryan, First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investments Garegin Melkonyan. On behalf of the EU the document was initialed by Luc Devigne and Petros Sourmelis.
“The West, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Kazakhstan may draw conclusions from the statement. Karabakh provision is also crucial from the perspective that it expressed joint position of the presidents of Armenia and Russia on installation of security mechanisms. There is incorrect impression that Armenia and the US are interested in this issue,” Skakov said.
In January 2017 operations in the territory of Armenia through payment cards issued by Armenia’s trade banks and foreign banks comprised 2 million 97.9 thousand operations, total of which amounted AMD 83.4 billion. Information was provided in Annual Bulletin of the Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) for January 2017.
In his words it’s important for Russia’s authorities that Armenian policy didn’t undergo essential changes. In his words, as long as that threats lack, Russia attentively follows the developments.