Having no doubt that Karen Karapetyan has assumed the position of the Prime Minister with the sincere instigation to heal the country’s economic condition, I consider, he, first and foremost, should take the following undeniable reality into consideration.
“If any of you opens 10 workplaces, it comprises 1000 workplaces, if you open 1000, I multiple it by 5, imagine, you don’t let people quit Armenia,” Hranush Hakobyan told this to “Russia’s powerful men” (upon her own formulation) during the meeting with presidents of the regional division of the Union of Armenians of Russia.
“The 21st century is developing rapidly; we are living in a rapidly developing world. When we were your age, we didn’t know what would be the professions in the age of developed technologies, in the age of internet.”
Pursuant data issued by National Statistical Service (NSS) as compared to the same period of the previous year total of transportation means, imported to Armenia, has reduced by 22%. In the period of January-August the index comprised about USD 122 million 594.6 thousand.
Vladimir Yevseev stated that turning points haven’t been recorded during the session, however, one shouldn’t underestimate its results. In his assessment, basically the session became a litmus paper of discrepancies between CSTO member countries, and they should be properly solved.
2016 isn’t so successful for telecommunications organizations, in particular, mobile phone operators. Their profit has considerably decreased in the first semester of ongoing year, as compared to the same period of the previous year.
“Although Armenian public discontent is clear, it’s partially clear for Russia as well, which provided Armenia “Iskander” missile systems to restore military balance between Armenia and Azerbaijan,” Pavel Felgenhauer said.
“Armenia is a special partner for Russia,” Artur Atayev, chief of the Caucasus Studies Centre at the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, told at the discussion on “Russia-Armenia cooperation: ongoing situation and perspectives.”
“CSTO stopped being a security organization. The statement by CSTO members on NK shows that it’s worse, than the Minsk Group or any other organization, which may appear as a security guarantee,” he said.
“We confirm the necessity of exclusively peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh issue, we express our support to the efforts of OSCE MG Co-Chairs, tended to Karabakh conflict settlement, which will be based on the norms and principles of international law, the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act, namely the non-use of force or the threat of force, the territorial integrity of states and the right of peoples to self-determination,” the statement reads.