Leader by asset volumes is Ameriabank (AMD 507.7 billion), which is followed by Ardshininvestbank (AMD 461.1 billion) and VTB Armenia Bank (AMD 314.8 billion). In percentage the biggest growth of assets throughout the quarter was recorded by Ardshininvestbank (15.1 %), and the biggest decrease—by BTA Bank (19.8%).
In 1997 RA law on the title of the “National Hero of Armenia” hasn’t been changed yet. Accordingly, Nikolai Ryzhkov wasn’t a RA National Hero yet. That was to follow. Our tankers were to participate in “Tank biathlon” international competition, initiated by RF Ministry of Defense. They’d participate being leaders of the competitions, and would slow down in the last minutes. They’d slow down, so that Russian tankers were the winners. And RF Ministry of Defense would award a prize—T-90 tank, to our tankers for holding the second place. It’d promise, but wouldn’t give. Such a sound military-technical cooperation.
It’s noteworthy, that Lavrov himself has repeatedly denied existence of such a document. This was also denied by Igor Popov, OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair (Russia), stating no Russian plans are available at the negotiation table, moreover, he added, “There are proposals by the Co-chairs, which have been discussed throughout recent years in this or that form. A few variants are available, however, they’re based on three principles and six elements of the conflict settlement, which have repeatedly been stated by the Co-chairs. Let me remind about these principles: the right to self-determination, exclusion of the use of force, territorial integrity, and most important among the six basic elements are the return of the territories and the status settlement of NKR.
“These tales about Russia and the USA have been heard for about 25 years. There is no perception here what is an ally, different standpoints have led our country for two decades, which have been sanctified: the world is against us, we have no friends, we have no way out and we should find a common language with our neighbors at any price, and that childish romanticism deepened to a degree that, in general, acquisition of simple political mentality became impossible for our politicians. If they are deeply convinced in such fake things, they’ll never obtain political mentality, even if they learn much. What does an ally mean? Does an Armenian know of this? We don’t have allies. It seems to some people that the Armenian nation was just simply massacred in 1915. They did it, as people didn’t know what sharp criticism, power, self-determination meant. They don’t even know now. If you don’t know, how do you want to live? You’ll put your life under the feet of the world.”
Russian media outlets are silent on why Russia intends to settle a conflict, unsettlement of which is a crucial component of Russia-led foreign policy. They are silent that its main purpose is Azerbaijan’s membership to EEU. Russian media outlets are silent that for that membership the Russian side was obliged to exert pressure over Armenia to redeem those territories to Azerbaijan.
“It’s being developed. We’ll inform as soon as it’s ready,” Tigran Balayan, RA MFA press speaker said. Note, a week ago, Shavarsh Kocharyan, RA Deputy Foreign Minister stated that the agreement on mutual assistance is being processed, which won’t last long.
“People, accumulating their wealth illegally, the authorities and competent bodies will follow those processes, and give solution to the issue. And talks of the people, who acquired their wealth legally, by do not pay taxes, pursued interest as well, and I consider it is betrayal to the country. Criticism and concern should refer people, who did this illegally. I urge people, who try to split certain segments of our society, not to do likewise incorrect things.”
“RA Government has not made any statement or proposal for collecting money for armaments. We have those resources, the process is underway, and soon, as planned, everything will be acquired. I don’t see any issues,” Abrahamyan said.
“Not accidentally, the news was released by the Azerbaijani side. I want to attach your attention to another circumstance as well: they speak of the forthcoming meeting under the umbrella of RF president, and RA presidential spokesman speaks of not having an accord within OSCE MG. Accordingly, Armenia seems to hint, that it anticipates development of negotiations within OSCE, and, probably, this is a precise and right approach by Armenia.”
According to NSS, poverty index for 2014 comprised 30% in Armenia. As compared to the last year—2013, poverty index reduced by 2 percentage points. People, consumption of those was lower than general upper line per capita, were assessed as needy (in 2014 it comprised AMD 40 264 per month). Very needy people comprise 10.9% (monthly consumption of which per capita is lower than the lower poverty line—AMD 33 101). For the calculation of poverty line, RA official statistics, naturally, takes monthly cost of consumer basket as a basis. And in international statistics, generally, to count poverty index, daily average consumption in dollars is taken as a ground. It’s applied to compare indices of different countries.