D.Harutyunyan stated that on basis of the draft bill lay constitutional amendments, after which RA President Serzh Sargsyan defined the terms, during which draft bills to laws should be developed, which derive from the Constitution.
I’m one of those unique persons among you, who has lived three eras: Stalin’s era, post-Stalin era and the recent period, which we live in. Accordingly, I’ll give a philosophic answer to this question. There was a TV program recently about who Stalin was—“great politician or great betrayer?” Can you imagine, 85% of population voted for “great politician” and this is in case, when due to him and by his wish lives of 50 million people have been destroyed. I mean, in all periods there have been both bastards and sincere people.
“There are likewise hoaxes, it’s an advertising trick, like a lottery, first come, first served. But we have the “air fare” costing AMD 10 thousand, airport charges the same amount, as a result, the ticket price is not USD 50, but USD 100, and only one way, round trip is USD 200, i.e. it’s the same price, as offered by other companies.
“First and foremost we’re satisfied with NATO-Armenia developments. Today we have history of 20-year relations. Armenia assumes long-term commitments to participate in NATO peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan. On account of Armenia’s security challenges, Armenia’ benefit is influential, we welcome long-term commitments assumed by you,” Elgersma said.
Today the world-famous rock musician, on his Facebook page responding to Levon Barseghyan’s, head of Gyumri “Asparez” club, activist, letter-petition, wrote it’s a good cause by artists and fellow activists. “We have also been looking into the sub-standard living conditions of people in Gyumri and working on providing relief,” Tankian mentioned.
“We often think in NATO that this leads to a cold war, especially when we combine a few components: Russia’s defence budget grows, utmost importance is given to the military component on state level, we don’t know how to respond to them, but we’re working on it. In any case, we are for the concept of collective security, we want to cooperate in air, sea and land. We consider to further respect our fundamental relations with Russia, we keep the dialogue open with Russia.
Gradual recovery of internal demand in Armenia’s economy, productive implementation of the Government program directed to boosting export and investments, progressing improvement of external economic environment and structural amendments are the factors, by impact of which economic growth will intensify from 2017 and will comprise 3.0-4.5% in the end of anticipated horizon.
Unfolding of the list was extraordinary and even a striking step, as Russia rarely demonstrates such transparency in providing weaponry to other countries. In my opinion, statement by Russian MFA on the issue indirectly gave explanation to the list publication. According to RF MFA speaker, Russia is in good ties both with Armenia and Azerbaijan, and will continue selling weaponry to both.
Currently we are on-board a small, worn-out and dilapidated ship, which appeared in a storm. And we not only complain, that the ship is shaking, but also—there is no hot water in the cabin, and the food isn’t tasty at all. We swear at the staff and the captain (who we don’t like so much) taking into account the fact that his purpose is keeping ship on water and not sinking. He still succeeds.
It’s a very sad situation, that we lose lots of people, like we’ve lost years ago. I live in Diaspora, I see they come, and it’s rather disappointing, as Armenia is drained from its people. And we want not only to maintain our country, but we also want to maintain Artsakh and demand Western Armenia, but people are drained and our dreams take just the contrary direction.