He added that Armenia’s society pays great attention to the issue of Russia selling arms to Azerbaijan, especially when these very weapons are engaged in case of escalation, like it happened in April of 2016.
“There are specific topics, directions, where new formats of cooperation might arise as result of our joint work. Namely, I have already mentioned the cooperation in the air defense field. There are topics, which we must very actively discuss together,” Sargsyan said.
“We believe the OSCE office was committed to its mandate, it carried out very useful work, proving how important the OSCE contribution is. We are sure the most important value of the OSCE is to be present on spot, and work on spot. The OSCE office in Yerevan was the best example of this with its specic and practical work, which was done on spot,” he said.
France’s presidentelect Emmanuel Macron’s first political visit will be to Germany, MEP Silvi Gular from the Democratic Movement party, who endorses Macron said on air CNews.
“Once again Armenia is playing an important part, because it is the only Eastern Partnership country which has negotiated with the EU over a new document which is called ‘Prospects of Cooperation,” the Ambassador said.
Turkish police arrested Ahmet Tevfik Uzun, a former lawmaker of the ruling party, on grounds of having links with the Gulenists, CNN Turk reports. The arrest comes amid an ongoing investigation on the 2016 July 15 coup attempt.
“It is my fervent hope and the hope of millions … such courage is still possible, that today’s members of Congress regardless of party are willing to look at the facts and speak the truth, even when it contradicts party positions,” said Obama, as quoted by Bloomberg.
Turkish police attacked on May 7 the Belge Publishing House, founded by Turkish human rights activist Ragıp Zarakolu and his wife, Turkish media reported. Zarakolu is known for recognizing the Armenian Genocide.
“He [Abdul Hasib] was responsible for ordering the attack on the 400-bed hospital in Kabul, kidnapped girls and beheaded elders in front of their families,” the US President’s office said.
Founder of France’s National Front party Jean-Marie Le Pen, 88, announced that his daughter, Marine Le Pen, didn’t win the presidential election because of her stance on withdrawing from the Eurozone and the European Union, Reuters reports.