Speeches and words of cultural representatives, artists and intellectuals, as well as Government bodies and politicians containing hatred towards ethnic Armenians mean that spread of hatred is in a closed chain and is encouraged by all parties in Azerbaijan.
The Defense Army of Artsakh will retaliate to the bombing of Stepanakert very soon, spokesperson of Artsakh’s President Vahram Poghosyan wrote on his Facebook page.
I have sent this letter to my dear friend and First Lady of Brasil Michelle Bolsonaro. I understand my request is not an easy one to implement. On the contrary, enormous willpower, courage, and determination to stand on the side of justice is needed for this.
This is a tragedy of epic proportions that unfolds before the eyes of the world, while efforts to halt the violence diplomatically are encountering Azerbaijani-Turkish intransigence and bellicose rhetoric. The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship, and chiefly Russia, are currently attempting to revive the mediation efforts, meanwhile the protection of civilian populations and their humanitarian needs remain largely unsolved. Nagorno Karabakh is becoming the ‘black hole’ of humanitarian protection in Europe.
It cannot live in a country where Armenianophobia is erected in the rank of state religion, 30 Armenians. Where Armenian churches are either destroyed or closed and overgrown with shrubs and trees like the Armenian church in Baku. Where there is no Armenian school. Where the Armenian cemetery (Montino, Baku), by the way, like Russian, is interrupted for new buildings. Where the murderer of a sleeping Armenian officer is heroized.
Results of Shelling In The Armenia Azerbaijan War. Patrick Lancaster
Artillery Hits Kindergarten Today In The Armenia-Azerbaijan War. Patrick Lancaster
These casualties, if not berried properly, will provide huge emissions of CO2 and pollutions, harming the environment and hampering EU efforts to encounter the global warming and climate change.
The overnight situation at the Artsakh-Azerbaijan line of contact was “relatively stable and tense”, the Armenian Defense Ministry spokesperson Shushan Stepanyan said. However, the Azeri forces are again breaching the ceasefire.
Within the framework of the fact-finding mission, launched by the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Artsakh, a thorough research and analysis of the cases of criminal encroachments, committed by the Azerbaijani armed forces against the civilian population of Artsakh, for the 27.09.2020-07.10.2020 time period, have been conducted.